Today is the day! Thanks to all that have already purchased shares and if you haven’t yet, there’s still time to invest in this amazing project – please buy your shares by 11 p.m. tonight.

3 Great Reasons to Invest!
1. Bladon’s last community hub
It’s not just about keeping a boozer, it’s the last remaining community facility in the village and has the potential to be much more than a pub. In the UK, 120 pubs have been taken over by the community and every one of them continues to thrive.
2. Protect your property value
Surveys show that 23% of house buyers thought having a good local was important and that close proximity to a popular pub could add as much as 10% to property prices.
3. Stop another potential housing development
We know that developers are interested, they’ve even approached us! The Asset of Community Value status gives the community the opportunity to bid for the pub and is our best chance of securing and having a say in the White House’s future.
Bladon is more than a road, we have a heart of the village and the White House could be so much More than a Pub. Let’s not lose it!
Buy your shares before 31st January 2020